Engedi Refuge Ministries

Engedi Refuge is a place of safety and restoration for sex trafficking survivors, providing a long-term, residential program that is trauma-informed, comprehensive in nature and deeply therapeutic.  This program, in Northwest Washington State, includes curriculums and counseling services that are designed to empower trafficking survivors with the skills and confidence they need to permanently remove themselves from exploitation, and experience a healthy and fulfilling life.  This faith-inspired program has been serving trafficking victims since 2013, and is among the most successful service agencies of its kind in the U.S.

Our Strategy is very distinct in the field of sex-trafficking victim care.

We offer:

  • Basic needs for housing and personal necessities
  • Holistic therapy and education promoting personal growth and empowerment; and
  • Public engagement by promoting awareness and community involvement

One of the educational activities is equine therapy. Horses are used to provide a different setting for participants to engage with various parts of their healing journey. Horse handling skills and safety are taught, as well as life skills.

Something miraculous happens when God puts a girl and a horse together. When a fearful young woman gets on a horse and learns she can guide it where she wants to go, that fear turns to self-confidence. Some women arrive at the ranch with suspicion and distrust only to glow with friendship and happiness by the end of the session. A young woman who was weeping silent tears, was standing next to a horse, stroking his cheek while he stood with a soft quiet look in his eyes. He quietly absorbed her pain.

The connection between two vastly different beings is used by God to fracture their tough self-protective shell. Now healing can happen.

“When I came to Engedi I was basically a shell of a person. I found out I was recently pregnant, and I felt totally hopeless. I thought having an abortion was the only way to save my baby from this desperate life. I didn’t think I even had a future. But now, after months in Engedi’s program, I am actually excited for life. I’ve given my life to Christ, and my relationship with God is nurtured here and not forced. I have made real friendships that are healthy. I now know that I am worth more as a person than I ever knew before. Engedi saved my life; and it save my baby’s life.” K.B. 2015

ENgedi resident

Before there was even an Engedi House, there were the Wiebes putting their faith and dollars into Engedi.  Their encouragement and support right from the beginning helped the founders, Aaron and Lea Newcomb have the confidence to move forward into unknown territory.  Now many years later, Engedi has grown in many ways; thru staff, residents, and expansion of property.  The Wiebe Foundation has been a part of it all.  We are forever grateful for their support.”

Lea newcomb, co-founder and director OF OPERATIONS